Random password generator with numbers and special characters

I saw many password generators but none of them did what I needed. Also it was often not random enough and/or unnesessary complex. So I created my own password generator. It has parameters for the lenght of the password, the minimum lowercase, uppercase, numbers and special characters.

The algorithm that I devised for this method is as follows.

In this example I use these parameters:

  • Password length minimum: 8 / maximum: 15
  • Minimum lowercase: 2
  • Minimum uppercase: 2
  • Minimum numbers: 1
  • Minimum special characters: 1


  1. Determine the length of the password within the given range (for example 13 is a random value within the range 8-15)
  2. Get 2 random lower characters (for example: va)
  3. Get 2 random upper characters (for example: TK)
  4. Get 1 random number character (for example: 3)
  5. Get 1 random lower character (for example: @)
  6. We have 6 characters already, so we add 7 random characters from all catagories to make 13 the right password length (for example: Jt4$7ABr)
  7. Concat all characters to 1 string (this example: vaTK3@Jt4$7ABr)
  8. Shuffle the characters (for example: KtBTA74arJ@$v3)

This is translated in code to:

      var lengthOfPassword = _randomSecure.Next(MinimumLengthPassword, MaximumLengthPassword);

      // Get the required characters of each catagory and add random charactes of all catagories
      var minimumChars = GetRandomString(AllLowerCaseChars, MinimumLowerCaseChars) +
      GetRandomString(AllUpperCaseChars, MinimumUpperCaseChars) +
      GetRandomString(AllNumericChars, MinimumNumericChars) +
      GetRandomString(AllSpecialChars, MinimumSpecialChars);
      var rest = GetRandomString(AllAvailableChars, lengthOfPassword - minimumChars.Length);
      var unshuffeledResult = minimumChars + rest;

      // Shuffle the result so the order of the characters are unpredictable
      var result = unshuffeledResult.ShuffleTextSecure();
      return result;

That's is the core of the algorithm, but (without C# 6.0) storing an checking the parameters is much more code.

This is the full class:

      public class PasswordGenerator
        public int MinimumLengthPassword { get; private set; }
        public int MaximumLengthPassword { get; private set; }
        public int MinimumLowerCaseChars { get; private set; }
        public int MinimumUpperCaseChars { get; private set; }
        public int MinimumNumericChars { get; private set; }
        public int MinimumSpecialChars { get; private set; }

        public static string AllLowerCaseChars { get; private set; }
        public static string AllUpperCaseChars { get; private set; }
        public static string AllNumericChars { get; private set; }
        public static string AllSpecialChars { get; private set; }
        private readonly string _allAvailableChars;

        private readonly RandomSecureVersion _randomSecure = new RandomSecureVersion();
        private int _minimumNumberOfChars;

        static PasswordGenerator()
          // Ranges not using confusing characters
          AllLowerCaseChars = GetCharRange('a', 'z', exclusiveChars: "ilo");
          AllUpperCaseChars = GetCharRange('A', 'Z', exclusiveChars: "IO");
          AllNumericChars = GetCharRange('2', '9');
          AllSpecialChars = "!@#%*()$?+-=";

        public PasswordGenerator(int minimumLengthPassword = 8,int maximumLengthPassword = 15,int minimumLowerCaseChars = 1,
                                  int minimumUpperCaseChars = 1,int minimumNumericChars = 1,int minimumSpecialChars = 1)
          if (minimumLengthPassword < 1)
            throw new ArgumentException("The minimumlength is smaller than 1.","minimumLengthPassword");

          if (minimumLengthPassword > maximumLengthPassword)
            throw new ArgumentException("The minimumLength is bigger than the maximum length.","minimumLengthPassword");

          if (minimumLowerCaseChars < 0)
            throw new ArgumentException("The minimumLowerCase is smaller than 0.", "minimumLowerCaseChars");

          if (minimumUpperCaseChars < 0)
            throw new ArgumentException("The minimumUpperCase is smaller than 0.","minimumUpperCaseChars");

          if (minimumNumericChars < 0)
            throw new ArgumentException("The minimumNumeric is smaller than 0.", "minimumNumericChars");

          if (minimumSpecialChars < 0)
          throw new ArgumentException("The minimumSpecial is smaller than 0.", "minimumSpecialChars");

          _minimumNumberOfChars = minimumLowerCaseChars + minimumUpperCaseChars + minimumNumericChars + minimumSpecialChars;

          if (minimumLengthPassword < _minimumNumberOfChars)
            throw new ArgumentException(
                    "The minimum length ot the password is smaller than the sum " +
                    "of the minimum characters of all catagories.", 

          MinimumLengthPassword = minimumLengthPassword;
          MaximumLengthPassword = maximumLengthPassword;

          MinimumLowerCaseChars = minimumLowerCaseChars;
          MinimumUpperCaseChars = minimumUpperCaseChars;
          MinimumNumericChars = minimumNumericChars;
          MinimumSpecialChars = minimumSpecialChars;

          _allAvailableChars =
          OnlyIfOneCharIsRequired(minimumLowerCaseChars, AllLowerCaseChars) +
          OnlyIfOneCharIsRequired(minimumUpperCaseChars, AllUpperCaseChars) +
          OnlyIfOneCharIsRequired(minimumNumericChars, AllNumericChars) +
          OnlyIfOneCharIsRequired(minimumSpecialChars, AllSpecialChars);

        private string OnlyIfOneCharIsRequired(int minimum, string allChars)
          return minimum > 0 || _minimumNumberOfChars == 0 ? allChars : string.Empty;

        public string Generate()
          var lengthOfPassword = _randomSecure.Next(MinimumLengthPassword, MaximumLengthPassword);
          // Get the required number of characters of each catagory and 
          // add random charactes of all catagories
          var minimumChars = GetRandomString(AllLowerCaseChars, MinimumLowerCaseChars) + 
                      GetRandomString(AllUpperCaseChars, MinimumUpperCaseChars) +
                      GetRandomString(AllNumericChars, MinimumNumericChars) +
                      GetRandomString(AllSpecialChars, MinimumSpecialChars);
          var rest = GetRandomString(_allAvailableChars, lengthOfPassword - minimumChars.Length);
          var unshuffeledResult = minimumChars + rest;
          // Shuffle the result so the order of the characters are unpredictable
          var result = unshuffeledResult.ShuffleTextSecure();
          return result;

        private string GetRandomString(string possibleChars, int lenght)
          var result = string.Empty;
          for (var position = 0; position < lenght; position++)
            var index = _randomSecure.Next(possibleChars.Length);
            result += possibleChars[index];
          return result;

        private static string GetCharRange(char minimum, char maximum, string exclusiveChars = "")
          var result = string.Empty;
          for (char value = minimum; value <= maximum; value++)
            result += value;
          if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exclusiveChars))
            var inclusiveChars = result.Except(exclusiveChars).ToArray();
            result = new string(inclusiveChars);
          return result;

And it uses these extension methods:

      internal static class Extensions
        private static readonly Lazy<RandomSecureVersion> RandomSecure = new Lazy<RandomSecureVersion>(() => new RandomSecureVersion());
        public static IEnumerable<T>ShuffleSecure<T>(this IEnumerable<T>source)
          var sourceArray = source.ToArray();
          for (int counter = 0; counter < sourceArray.Length; counter++)
            int randomIndex = RandomSecure.Value.Next(counter, sourceArray.Length);
            yield return sourceArray[randomIndex];

            sourceArray[randomIndex] = sourceArray[counter];

        public static string ShuffleTextSecure(this string source)
          var shuffeldChars = source.ShuffleSecure().ToArray();
          return new string(shuffeldChars);

And it uses this secure version of the regular Random class:

      internal class RandomSecureVersion
        private readonly RNGCryptoServiceProvider _rngProvider = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();

        public int Next()
          var randomBuffer = new byte[4];
          var result = BitConverter.ToInt32(randomBuffer, 0);
          return result;

        public int Next(int maximumValue)
          // Do not use Next() % maximumValue because the distribution is not OK
          return Next(0, maximumValue);

        public int Next(int minimumValue, int maximumValue)
          var seed = Next();

          //  Generate uniformly distributed random integers within a given range.
          return new Random(seed).Next(minimumValue, maximumValue);

The last class is also handy to use in other situations if you are familiar with the Random class but need more security.

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