Ultimate command line arguments parsing: query with Linq

Command line parsing in C# is (static void Main(args []string) is very limited. That is why I created a ParameterParser class that results a list of Parameter objects that can be queried with Linq. An example:


Lazy<T> property caching alternative

Lazy is a handy class, available since .NET 4.0. It has only one big disadvantage: if you use it to cache a property and it uses other members of the class, you need to implement the property in the constructor. An example:


Create your own navigation system (with a Graph, Node and Connection class)

Lots of people uses naviagtion systems like TomTom these days. As a C# deveoper you might want to know what the basic principles are behind these systems. This post shows you 3 fully functional classes behind the principles of a navigation system.
